Thursday, November 27, 2008

Quick update just before I run out to my thai lesson, the clashes have finally hit the streets in Chiang Mai. I just got a call from the travel agent I was supposed to go see in an hour to say that she was leaving the office and going to take her son out of school and going home because there were PAD/anti-PAD clashes going on at Wat Loi Kroh and at the offices of the Prime Minister in Chiang Mai. The PAD has come here because the Prime Minister flew in from Peru a day or two ago and I guess they're here to speak to him in person.

Also, she said there would be a curfew tonight so I'm going to keep watching tv. I'm going to my thai lesson early so I can be home before sundown. I feel like things are starting to heat up, but I don't think anyone back home has anything to worry about because things really aren't as terrible as they may look in the newspaper or on tv (I don't know how much of this has hit the Canadian Media).

1 comment:

Ange said...

It's hit the media enough that I'm stressing for you! I was doing okay when they were just talking about Bangkok but now that I keep reading "Chiang Mai"...not so much. Stay safe!!!!! *abrazos*