Wednesday, May 21, 2008

15 minutes and counting down...

right, i've got 15 minutes until this net cafe closes so i'm going to have to make this another slapped-together synopsis of a post...or synopsost as i like to call them.
  • today was great, went to the experimental farm, met a bunch of the guys who are working there
  • NEED is a very complex organization and I definitely understand it better now than I did before, but I will have to post more on that tomorrow because there's not time to go into detail now
  • text me
  • looking for a place: hit the beat pretty hard today with Sam and Greg and saw a bunch of places ranging from roachy to ritzy...some hard decisions ahead
  • went to a korean-bbq style place for dinner...all you can eat meat buffet anyone? I'm the worst ex-vegetarian ever
  • tomorrow we sit down with david and Sam and Bill (I'll introduce everyone later when I have more time) to write the NEED progress report, which I wanted to sit in on because it would just give me a better idea of how NEED works and stuff
  • learning TONS, even though it's only been 2 days...feels WAY longer
  • very VERY excited about what's coming in the future
  • it's absolutely beautiful here...i'd never seen rice paddys before until today
  • will post more pictures later
night night!

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